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Accommodation statistics
Air emission accounts
Air transport
Annual national accounts
Balance of payments and international investment position
Bankruptcies and business restructuring proceedings
Building and dwelling production
Building cost index
Buildings and free-time residences
Causes of death
Central government monthly salaries
Changes in marital status
Citizenships granted
Consumer confidence
Consumer price index
Consumption of hard coal
Cost index of civil engineering works
County elections
Culture satellite accounts
CVTS, continuing vocational training
Debtors in enforcement
Discontinuation of education
Domestic waterborne traffic
Dwellings and housing conditions
Early childhood education and care
Economic accounts for agriculture (EAA)
Economy-wide material flow accounts
Educational finances
Educational structure of population
Employment service statistics (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment)
12r5 -- Unemployed jobseekers, persons in services and vacant jobs at the end of the month (1001), 2007M01-2025M01 [7809 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12t8 -- Jobseekers by employment code at the end of the month (1205), 2007M01-2025M01 [150141 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12t9 -- Foreign unemployed jobseekers at the end of the month by province (1206), 2007M01-2025M01 [29669 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12ta -- Unemployed jobseekers by duration of unemployment at the end of the month (1207), 2007M01-2025M01 [189373 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tb -- Foreign jobseekers by occupation in each province at the end of the month (1208), 2007M01-2025M01 [174786 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tc -- Foreign jobseekers by education in each province at the end of the month (1209), 2007M01-2025M01 [142520 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12td -- Jobseekers by education in each province at the end of the month (1220), 2007M01-2025M01 [95483 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12te -- Jobseekers by level of education and labour market status at the end of the month (1221), 2007M01-2025M01 [249289 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tf -- Percentage of unemployed jobseekers of the entire workforce at the end of the month (1260), 2007M01-2025M01 [1298 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tg -- Percentage of foreign unemployed jobseekers of the entire foreign workforce at the end of the month (1261), 2009M01-2025M01 [1032 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12th -- Percentage of unemployed jobseekers aged under 25 of the entire workforce aged under 25 at the end of the month (1263), 2013M01-2025M01 [790 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12ti -- Unemployed jobseekers and vacancies by occupation at the end of the month (1270), 2007M01-2025M01 [204244 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tj -- Unemployed, fully laid off and on reduced working week by occupation at the end of the month (1271), 2007M01-2025M01 [290933 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tk -- Jobseekers by occupation and level of education in each province during the month (1310), 2007M01-2025M01 [526921 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tl -- Started job seekings and periods by occupation in each province during the month (1311), 2007M01-2025M01 [347190 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tm -- Foreign jobseekers by occupation and level of education in each province during the month (1314), 2007M01-2025M01 [170024 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tn -- Periods of unemployment ended by reason and by duration of unemployment in each province dur-ing the month (1315), 2007M01-2025M01 [162156 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tp -- Foreigners periods of unemployment ended by reason and by duration of unemployment in each province during the month (1316), 2007M01-2025M01 [145072 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tr -- Ended job seekings and periods in each province during the month (1319), 2007M01-2025M01 [131897 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12ts -- Unemployment flow over a certain duration in relation to unemployments begun a month earlier (1355), 2007M01-2025M01 [544875 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tt -- Jobseekers and vacancies by occupation during the month (1370), 2007M01-2025M01 [232196 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tu -- Jobseekers and vacancies by occupation in each province during the month (1371), 2007M01-2025M01 [76154 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tw -- Vacancies by sector in each province at the end of the month (2206), 2007M01-2025M01 [173811 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tv -- Vacancies in each province at the end of the month (2205), 2007M01-2025M01 [82633 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tx -- Vacancy events by industry during the month (2310), 2007M01-2025M01 [50310 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12ty -- Vacancy events by industry during the month (2311), 2007M01-2025M01 [104199 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12tz -- Vacancy events by sector during the month (2312), 2007M01-2025M01 [70798 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12u1 -- Those participating in training in each province at the end of the month (3241), 2007M01-2025M01 [119271 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12u2 -- Labour market training by province at the end of and during the month (3310), 2007M01-2025M01 [137764 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12u3 -- Labour market training by prior employment and reason for ending in each province at the end of and during the month (3311), 2007M01-2025M01 [105015 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12u4 -- Activation rate and service participants on calculation date (4250), 2007M01-2025M01 [133225 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12u5 -- Foreigners activation rate and service participants on calculation date (4251), 2007M01-2025M01 [114948 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12u6 -- Employment activity by type during and at the end of the month in each province (4310), 2007M01-2025M01 [31829 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12u7 -- Employment activity by occupation during and at the end of the month in each province (4315), 2007M01-2025M01 [343619 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12u8 -- Those participating in work and training trials in each province at the end of the month (5231), 2007M01-2025M01 [17450 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12u9 -- Participants in other services during and at the end of the month in each province (5315), 2007M01-2025M01 [86650 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12ua -- Structurally unemployed by age and occupation group at the end of the month (6210), 2007M01-2025M01 [200053 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12ub -- Structurally unemployed by gender and level of education at the end of the month (6211), 2007M01-2025M01 [55696 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12uc -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services in each province 3 months after completion of labour market training (3445), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2006-2024 [10004 Kb] [20240522 08.00]
12ud -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of training (3471), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2013-2024 [5070 Kb] [20240522 08.00]
12ue -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of employment activities (4445), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2006-2024 [39546 Kb] [20240522 08.00]
12uf -- Other services by participant occupation in each province (5415), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2006-2024 [63398 Kb] [20240522 08.00]
12ug -- Work and training trial by employment in each province (5431), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2013-2024 [8241 Kb] [20240522 08.00]
12uh -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of a work and training trial (5471), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2013-2024 [4821 Kb] [20240522 08.00]
12ui -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of other service activities (5475), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2006-2024 [13031 Kb] [20240522 08.00]
12uj -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services in each province 3 months after completion of labour market training (3445), Tammi-Elokuu 2006-2024 [10541 Kb] [20240924 08.00]
12uk -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of training (3471), Tammi-Elokuu 2013-2024 [5395 Kb] [20240924 08.00]
12ul -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of employment activities (4445), Tammi-Elokuu 2006-2024 [40931 Kb] [20240924 08.00]
12um -- Other services by participant occupation in each province (5415), Tammi-Elokuu 2006-2024 [64612 Kb] [20240924 08.00]
12un -- Work and training trial by employment in each province (5431), Tammi-Elokuu 2013-2024 [8356 Kb] [20240924 08.00]
12up -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of a work and training trial (5471), Tammi-Elokuu 2013-2024 [5083 Kb] [20240924 08.00]
12uq -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of other service activities (5475), Tammi-Elokuu 2006-2024 [13679 Kb] [20240924 08.00]
12ur -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services in each province 3 months after completion of labour market training (3445), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2024 [10980 Kb] [20250124 08.00]
12us -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of training (3471), Tammi-Joulukuu 2013-2024 [6462 Kb] [20250124 08.00]
12ut -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of employment activities (4445), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2024 [52041 Kb] [20250124 08.00]
12uu -- Other services by participant occupation in each province (5415), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2024 [83914 Kb] [20250124 08.00]
12uw -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of a work and training trial (5471), Tammi-Joulukuu 2013-2024 [6113 Kb] [20250124 08.00]
12uv -- Work and training trial by employment in each province (5431), Tammi-Joulukuu 2013-2024 [10542 Kb] [20250124 08.00]
12ux -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of other service activities (5475), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2024 [13861 Kb] [20250124 08.00]
12uy -- Jobseekers by occupation and level of education in each province (1510), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024 [61342 Kb] [20240723 08.00]
12uz -- Vacancies by occupation and sector in each province (2510), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024 [15178 Kb] [20240723 08.00]
12v1 -- Participants in labour market training and those starting a training course by target occupation in each province (3510), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024 [33698 Kb] [20240723 08.00]
12v2 -- Those who completed labour market training by prior employment status in each province (3530), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024 [10306 Kb] [20240723 08.00]
12v3 -- Training programmes by reason for ending in each province (3570), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024 [14753 Kb] [20240723 08.00]
12v4 -- Employment activity by type in each province (4515), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024 [5123 Kb] [20240723 08.00]
12v5 -- Jobseekers by occupation and level of education in each province (1510), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2024 [78286 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12v6 -- Vacancies by occupation and sector in each province (2510), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2024 [16114 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12v7 -- Participants in labour market training and those starting a training course by target occupation in each province (3510), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2024 [45693 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12v8 -- Those who completed labour market training by prior employment status in each province (3530), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2024 [13500 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12v9 -- Training programmes by reason for ending in each province (3570), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2024 [20184 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
12va -- Employment activity by type in each province (4515), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2024 [6630 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
135e -- Ended job seekings and periods by occupation during the month (1318), 2007M01-2025M01 [264740 Kb] [20250225 08.00]
To the archive
Energy accounts
Energy consumption in households
Energy prices
Energy supply and consumption
Energy use in manufacturing
Enterprise openings and closures
Entrance to education
Environmental goods and services sector
Environmental protection expenditure accounts
Environmental subsidies
Environmental taxes
European Parliament elections
Finance of housing companies
Financial accounts
Finnish affiliates abroad
Finnish road statistics
Finnish travel
First registrations of motor vehicles
Foreign affiliates in Finland
Foreign direct investments
Foreign shipping traffic
General government debt by quarter
General government deficit and debt
General government expenditure by function
General government revenue and expenditure by quarter
Goods transport by road
Government R&D funding in the state budget
Greenhouse gases
Growth and productivity measures
Households' assets
Households' consumption
Income distribution statistics
Index of producer prices of agricultural products
Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production
Index of real estate maintenance costs
Index of turnover in industry
Index of turnover of construction
Index of wage and salary earnings
Industrial output
International price comparison
International trade in goods and services
Job vacancy survey
Labour cost index
Labour cost survey
Labour force survey
Liberal adult education
Local government sector wages and salaries
Mass media statistics
Merchant fleet
Motor vehicle stock
Municipal elections
New orders in manufacturing
Occupational accident statistics
Parliamentary elections
Participation in adult education
Participation in leisure activities
Population projection
Population structure
Preliminary population statistics
Presidential elections
Price index of public expenditure
Prices of dwellings in housing companies
Private sector hourly wages
Private sector monthly salaries
Producer price indices
Producer price indices for services
Production of electricity and heat
Progress of studies
Prosecutions, sentences and punishments
Providers of education and educational institutions
Quality of work life
Quarterly national accounts
Quarterly sector accounts
Railway statistics
Real estate prices
Regional accounts
Regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity
Renovation building
Rents of dwellings
Research and development
Restructuring of debts
Statistics on business subsidies
Statistics on labour disputes
Statistics on living conditions
Statistics on offences and coercive measures
Statistics on road traffic accidents
Statistics on service industry commodities
Statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises
Structural business and financial statement statistics
Structure of earnings
Students and qualifications
Subject choices of students
Supply, use and input-output tables
Support for learning
Taxes and tax-like payments
Time use
Transition from school to further education and work
Trend indicator of output
Trend indicator of renovation building
Turnover of service industries
Turnover of trade
Use of information and communications technology by individuals
Use of information technology in enterprises
Wage and salary indices
Value of household production
Waste statistics
Volume index of industrial output