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Statistics Finland, Structure of Earnings 2021
Invest in Finland
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Full time employees in 2022 by Occupation2010 and Total Earnings

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Full time employees in 2022 by Occupation2010 and Total Earnings
 Median per hourMean per hourMedian per monthMean per month
1211 Finance managers48.152.67,824.08,576.0
1221 Sales and marketing managers46.549.47,570.08,075.0
2145 Chemical engineers30.231.45,037.05,221.0
2149 Engineering professionals not elsewhere classified29.530.44,812.04,983.0
2152 Electronics engineers29.831.14,887.05,105.0
2431 Advertising and marketing professionals27.929.24,550.04,764.0
2432 Public relations professionals25.526.94,072.04,316.0
2514+2519 Applications programmers + Software and applications developers and analysts not elsewhere classified29.130.94,710.05,030.0
2521 Database designers and administrators22.723.93,655.03,855.0
2523 Computer network professionals29.029.94,721.04,891.0
2611 Lawyers34.737.55,590.06,076.0
3341 Office supervisors25.127.24,044.04,400.0
411 General office clerks15.316.62,500.02,761.0
4416 Personnel clerks19.019.23,029.03,080.0
5223 Shop sales assistants15.717.02,546.02,769.0
7111 House builders17.017.42,972.03,057.0
8131 Chemical products plant and machine operators19.520.83,342.03,621.0
8141 Rubber products machine operators22.122.93,983.04,093.0
8142 Plastic products machine operators17.318.33,045.03,221.0
8160 Food and related products machine operators17.418.13,061.03,179.0
8171 Pulp and papermaking plant operators25.425.04,333.04,378.0
8211 Mechanical machinery assemblers16.317.02,871.03,016.0
9333 Freight handlers16.016.42,687.02,802.0
9412+5131 Kitchen helpers + Waiters13.714.02,268.02,325.0
Total earnings include the basic wage, all the supplements paid, perks and overtime pay. Holiday pay and bonuses are not included.