PxWeb saved query options

For more information contact hans.baumgartner@stat.fi

You can change output format for the saved query's in the URL.
When you save a query you select the desired output format for that
query. If you want a saved query for the exact same table but in another
output format you earlier had to create a new saved query.
You can now change the output format of an existing saved query

The old way examples  

Selected data viwed in PxWeb:

and a graph:

or in Excel:

and for the coder in json-stat2 format

The new feature (saved query with options)

The same thing as above can be done with one single qery using options.
In this case the default language is Finnish

Go to selection page with selections marked:

Or cange it to an Excel file

And the coders might need a json file


The same thing in Swedish:

Go to selection page with selections marked all in Swedish:

Or cange it to an Excel file:

And the coders might need a json file in Swedish


The same in English:

Selection page with preselected variables:

Excel tabel:

For the koder json-stat2:

Only in Statistics Finland chargeable PxWeb databases:
https:/ /pxhopea2.stat.fi:443/PXWeb/sq/5ad44815-5335-4bfa-b1d1-9e2f01455158.xlsx?lang=sv|username|password
Separation character %7C witch is the same as | (URL encoded)
https:/ /pxhopea2.stat.fi:443/PXWeb/sq/5ad44815-5335-4bfa-b1d1-9e2f01455158.xlsx?lang=sv%7Cusername%7Cpassword

New options

Change output format for saved query in URL:
.px - Get result as structured PX-file
.xlsx - Get result as Excel-file
.xlsx_doublecolumn - Get result as Excel-file with double column with text and code
.csv - Get result as default csv-file
.csv_tab - Get result as tabseparated csv-file without heading
.csv_tabhead - Get result as tabseparated csv-file with heading
.csv_comma - Get result as commaseparated csv-file without heading
.csv_commahead - Get result as commaseparated csv-file with heading
.csv_space - Get result as spaceseparated csv-file without heading
.csv_spacehead - Get result as spaceseparated csv-file with heading
.csv_semicolon - Get result as semicolonseparated csv-file without heding
.csv_semicolonhead - Get result as semicolonseparated csv-file with heading
.json_stat - Get result as json-stat-file
.json_stat2 - Get result as json-stat 2-file
.html5_tabl – Get result as HTML5 table
.relational_table – Get result as relational table (txt)

Change language for saved query in URL:

Redirect saved query to the selection page of PxWeb