PX-family PX-Web/PC-Win/PX-Edit/PC-Axis fileformat OBLIGATORY and recomended keywords ------------------------------------------------- AXIS-VERSION - PX-Web-version - defaullt: 2013 AXIS-VERSION="2013"; CODEPAGE - character coding - Statistics Finland default: windows-1252 CODEPAGE="windows-1252"; CHARSET - historic remanent - default: ANSI CHARSET="ANSI"; LANGUAGE - Default language for the table - Statistics Finland default: fi LANGUAGE="fi"; LANGUAGES (used only in multilingual tables) - ALL languages used in the table - first language code is the one used in the keyword LANGUAGE - Statistics Finland default: fi,sv,en. LANGUAGES="fi","sv","en"; CONTACT - contact information CONTACT="Statistics Finland#More information" "#Homepage"; CONTACT[sv]= ... ; CONTACT[en]="Contact information here"; COPYRIGHT - Statisctics Finland uses allways YES. The option YES does not exlude Open Data. COPYRIGHT=YES; CREATION-DATE - table creation date "vvvvkkpp hh:mm" CREATION-DATE="20100406 11:07"; LAST-UPDATED - table published "vvvvkkpp hh:mm" LAST-UPDATED="20160414 09:00"; NEXT-UPDATE - next update "vvvvkkpp hh:mm" NEXT-UPDATE="20170414 09:00"; DESCRIPTION - title of the whole table (optionally with years) DESCRIPTION="Elävänä syntyneet 1987-2015"; DESCRIPTION[sv]= ... ; DESCRIPTION[en]="Live births "expand it a little more" 1987-2015"; CONTENTS - short description of table, dynamic seed of the table title - this is used as the beginning of the dynamic title of the table (no years are used here) CONTENTS="Elävänä syntyneet"; CONTENTS[sv]="Levande födda"; CONTENTS[en]="Live births"; TITLE - the new dynamic table title is generated when the table selection is done - the title is generated from the CONTENTS (no years) and the variable names - the dynamic title works much better than the static title for selected table (part of the whole table) - in the dynamic title only the selected varables are listed in the title TITLE="Elävänä syntyneet muuttujina Alue, Vuosi ja Sukupuoli"; TITLE[sv]="Levande födda efter Region, År och Kön"; TITLE[en]="Live births by Area, Year and Gender"; DECIMALS - decimal setting for the whole table (saved precision) DECIMALS=2; SHOWDECIMALS - how many decimals are shown in the table by default SHOWDECIMALS=0; PRECISION - the amount of decimals shown for a statistical variable - SHOWDECIMALSLaatuselosteet" "#Käsitteet ja määritelmät"; NOTE[sv]= ... ; NOTE[en]="This is used for notes for the table"; CONTVARIABLE (content variable) - the variable (pc-axis variable) that contains the statistical variable"s" (pc-axis value) - you can for example give a unit for every - remember you have to define a unit for all statistical variables CONTVARIABLE="Tiedot"; CONTVARIABLE[sv]="Information"; CONTVARIABLE[en]="Data"; UNITS("autot")="kpl"; UNITS[sv]("bilar")="st"; UNITS[en]("cars")="units"; UNITS("Asuntojen pinta-ala")="m2"; UNITS[sv]("Bostädernas yta")="m2"; UNITS[en]("Dwelling space")="m2"; TIMEVAL - defines the time variable (remember only ONE time variable) - year : TLIST(A1),"yyyy","yyyy",... - quarter: TLIST(Q1),"yyyy1","yyyy2",... - month: TLIST(M1),"yyyy01","yyyy02",... TIMEVAL("Vuosi")=TLIST(A1),"2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; TIMEVAL[sv]("År")=TLIST(A1),"2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; TIMEVAL[en]("Year")=TLIST(A1),"2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; TIMEVAL("Vuosineljännes")=TLIST(Q1),"20171","20172","20173","20174"; TIMEVAL[sv]("Kvartal")=TLIST(Q1),"20171","20172","20173","20174"; TIMEVAL[en]("Quarter")=TLIST(Q1),"20171","20172","20173","20174"; TIMEVAL("Kuukausi")=TLIST(M1),"201701","201702","201703","201704","201705"; TIMEVAL[sv]("Månad")=TLIST(M1),"201701","201702","201703","201704","201705"; TIMEVAL[en]("Month")=TLIST(M1),"201701","201702","201703","201704","201705"; SOURCE SOURCE="Tilastokeskus"; SOURCE[sv]="Statistikcentralen"; SOURCE[en]="Statistics Finland"; SUBJECT-AREA SUBJECT-CODE - subject area and code defined by the organisation - Statistics Finlands stanradized codes and subject areas: code | finnish | swedish | english ASU | Asuminen | Boende | Housing ELI | Elinolot | Levnadsförhållanden | Living Conditions ENE | Energia | Energi | Energy HIN | Hinnat ja kustannukset | Priser och kostnader | Prices and Costs JUL | Julkinen talous | Offentlig ekonomi | Government Finance KAN | Kansantalous | Nationalräkenskaper | National Accounts KAU | Kauppa | Handel | Trade KOU | Koulutus | Utbildning | Education KLT | Kulttuuri ja viestintä | Kultur och massmedier | Culture and the Media LII | Liikenne ja matkailu | Transport och turism | Transport and Tourism MAA | Maa-, metsä- ja kalatalous | Jord- och skogsbruk samt fiske | Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery OIK | Oikeus | Rättsväsende | Justice PAL | Palkat ja työvoimakustannukset | Löner och arbetskraftskostnader | Wages, Salaries and Labour Costs PAV | Palvelut | Tjänster | Services RAH | Rahoitus ja vakuutus | Finansiering och försäkring | Financing and Insurance RAK | Rakentaminen | Byggande | Construction SOS | Sosiaaliturva | Socialskydd | Social Protection TEO | Teollisuus | Industri | Manufacturing TER | Terveys | Hälsa | Health TTT | Tiede, teknologia ja tietoyhteiskunta | Vetenskap, teknologi och informationssamhället | Science, Technology and Information Society TUL | Tulot ja kulutus | Inkomst och konsumtion | Income and Consumption TYM | Työmarkkinat | Arbetsmarknaden | Labour Market VAA | Vaalit | Val | Elections VRM | Väestö | Befolkning | Population YMP | Ympäristö ja luonnonvarat | Miljö och naturresurser | Environment and Natural Resources YRI | Yritykset | Företag | Enterprises KOK | Kokooma | Samling | Collection MUU | Muu | Diverse | Other SUBJECT-AREA="Väestö"; SUBJECT-AREA[sv]="Befolkning"; SUBJECT-AREA[en]="Population"; SUBJECT-CODE="VRM"; ELIMINATION - if variable is not selected it is eliminated from the table - used vhere variables have CLEAR TOTAL ELIMINATION("Sukupuoli")="Sukupuolet yhteensä"; ELIMINATION[sv] ... ; ELIMINATION[en]=("Gender")="Gender total"; VALUES - every varianble value texts (classification) comma ceparated - every value must be unique VALUES("Alue")="KOKO MAA","Akaa","Alajärvi","Alavieska"; VALUES[sv]("Region")= ... ; VALUES[en]("Area")="WHOLE COUNTRY","Akaa","Alajärvi","Alavieska"; - timevariables should be defined as follows - the timevariable has identical CODES and VALUES (standard) VALUES("Vuosi")="2014","2015","2016","2017"; VALUES[sv]("År")="2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; VALUES[en]("Year")="2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; VALUES("Vuosineljännes")="2014Q1","2014Q2","2014Q3","2014Q4"; VALUES[sv]("Kvartal")="2017Q1","2017Q2","2017Q3","2017Q4"; VALUES[en]("Quarter")="2017Q1","2017Q2","2017Q3","2017Q4"; VALUES("Kuukausi")="2014M01","2014M02","2014M03","2014M04","2014M05","2014M06"; VALUES[sv]("Månad")="2017M01","2017M02","2017M03","2017M04","2017M05"; VALUES[en]("Month")="2017M01","2017M02","2017M03","2017M04","2017M05"; CODES - the value code (every variable value should in theory have both value text and code) CODES("Kunta")="SSS","020","005","009"; CODES[sv] ... ; CODES[en]("Municipality")="SSS","020","005","009"; - timevariables should be defined as follows - the timevariable has identical CODES and VALUES (standard) CODES("Vuosi")="2014","2015","2016","2017"; CODES("Vuosineljännes")="2014Q1","2014Q2","2014Q3","2014Q4"; CODES("Kuukausi")="2014M01","2014M02","2014M03","2014M04","2014M05","2014M06"; CODES[sv]("År")="2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; CODES[sv]("Kvartal")="2017Q1","2017Q2","2017Q3","2017Q4"; CODES[sv]("Månad")="2017M01","2017M02","2017M03","2017M04","2017M05"; CODES[en]("Year")="2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; CODES[en]("Quarter")="2017Q1","2017Q2","2017Q3","2017Q4"; CODES[en]("Month")="2017M01","2017M02","2017M03","2017M04","2017M05"; DOMAIN - links to the databases .agg- and .vs aggregation files - defines the pull down menus in PX-Web (needs the .agg ja .vs files) - case sesitive DOMAIN("Kunta 2016")="kunta2016"; DOMAIN[sv] ... ; DOMAIN[en]("Múnicipality 2016")="municipality2016"; MAP - defines map to use in PX-Web MAP("Kunta 2017")="kartta_kunta2017"; MAP[sv]("Komun 2017")="karta_komun2017"; MAP[en]("Municipalility 2017")="map_municipality2017"; OFFICIAL-STATISTICS OFFICIAL-STATISTICS=YES; DATA - the data part is allways in the end of the file - clean numbers are saved space ceparated, the decimal ceparator is allways a point, NO thousand ceparators are used - every row ends with a space - last row ends with a semicolon - dotcodes are used in quotation marks (".", "..", "..."), only 1-6 points and "-" can be used. - minus ("-") means usuallu absolute zero, witch can be used in calulatoins as 0. - In Statistis Finland the dotcodes are shown as dotcodes (prefered) , but they can be redefined in the PC-Axis file or application. - If the calcuated data contains even one dotcode the result is a DOTCODE, only "-" is interpreted as 0 in PX-Web/PX-Win applications. This is done to avoid problematic calculations with dotcodes. DATA=1 "." 3 4 5 ".." 7 "-"; PX/PC-Axis/PX-Web example file: --------------------- CHARSET="ANSI"; AXIS-VERSION="2013"; CODEPAGE="windows-1252"; LANGUAGE="fi"; LANGUAGES="fi","sv","en"; CREATION-DATE="20100406 11:07"; NEXT-UPDATE="20170414 09:00"; DECIMALS=0; SHOWDECIMALS=0; MATRIX="030synt103"; SUBJECT-CODE="VRM"; SUBJECT-AREA="Väestö"; SUBJECT-AREA[sv]="Väestö"; SUBJECT-AREA[en]="Väestö"; COPYRIGHT=YES; DESCRIPTION="Elävänä syntyneet äidin iän ja lapsen sukupuolen mukaan alueittain 1987-2015"; DESCRIPTION[sv]="Levande födda efter kön, moderns ålder och område 1987-2015"; DESCRIPTION[en]="Live births by sex, age of mother and area 1987-2015"; TITLE="Elävänä syntyneet muuttujina Alue, Vuosi ja Sukupuoli"; TITLE[sv]="Levande födda efter Område, År och Kön"; TITLE[en]="Live births by Area, Year and Sex"; CONTENTS="Elävänä syntyneet"; CONTENTS[sv]="Levande födda"; CONTENTS[en]="Live births"; UNITS="henkilöitä"; UNITS[sv]="Persons"; UNITS[en]="Persons"; STUB="Alue"; STUB[sv]="Område"; STUB[en]="Area"; HEADING="Vuosi","Sukupuoli"; HEADING[sv]="År","Kön"; HEADING[en]="Year","Sex"; VALUES("Alue")="KOKO MAA","Akaa","Alajärvi","Alavieska"; VALUES[sv]("Område")="HELA LANDET","Akaa","Alajärvi","Alavieska"; VALUES[en]("Area")="WHOLE COUNTRY","Akaa","Alajärvi","Alavieska"; VALUES("Vuosi")="2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; VALUES[sv]("År")="2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; VALUES[en]("Year")="2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; VALUES("Sukupuoli")="Sukupuolet yhteensä","Pojat","Tytöt"; VALUES[sv]("Kön")="Båda könen","Pojkar","Flickor"; VALUES[en]("Sex")="Both sexes","Boys","Girls"; TIMEVAL("Vuosi")=TLIST(A1),"2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; TIMEVAL[sv]("År")=TLIST(A1),"2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; TIMEVAL[en]("Year")=TLIST(A1),"2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; CODES("Alue")="SSS","020","005","009"; CODES[sv]("Område")="SSS","020","005","009"; CODES[en]("Area")="SSS","020","005","009"; CODES("Vuosi")="2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; CODES[sv]("År")="2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; CODES[en]("Year")="2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"; CODES("Sukupuoli")="S","1","2"; CODES[sv]("Kön")="S","1","2"; CODES[en]("Sex")="S","1","2"; DOMAIN("Alue")="kunta 2016"; DOMAIN[sv]("Område")="kunta2016sv"; DOMAIN[en]("Area")="kunta2016en"; MAP("Alue")="kartta_kunta2016"; MAP[sv]("Område")="kartta_kunta2016sv"; MAP[en]("Area")="map_kunta2016en"; ELIMINATION("Sukupuoli")="Sukupuolet yhteensä"; ELIMINATION[sv]("Kön")="Båda könen"; ELIMINATION[en]("Sex")="Both sexes"; LAST-UPDATED="20160414 09:00"; CONTACT="Tilastokeskus#Lisätietoja#Tilaston kotisivu"; CONTACT[sv]="Statistikcentralen#Statistikens hemsida#Tilläggsupgifter"; CONTACT[en]="Statistics Finland#Statistics' home page#Further information"; SOURCE="Tilastokeskus"; SOURCE[sv]="Statistikcentralen"; SOURCE[en]="Statistics Finland"; NOTE="Tilaston kuvaus#Laatuselosteet#Käsitteet ja " "määritelmät##Tilastossa käytetään 1.1.2016 aluejakoa koko aikasarjassa.#Alueliitoskuntien tiedot yhdistetty."; NOTE[sv]="Begrepp och definitioner#Beskrivning#Kvalitetsbeskrivning##I statistiken används områdesindelningen 1.1.2016 i hela tidsserien.#Uppgifterna om de inkorporerade kommunerna har sammanslagits."; NOTE[en]="Concepts and definitions#Description#Quality description##These statistics apply the regional division of 1 January 2016 to the#whole time series. Data for annexed municipalities have been combined."; DATA= 59961 30546 29415 59493 30308 29185 58134 29858 28276 57232 29272 27960 55472 28469 27003 177 86 91 209 106 103 186 100 86 167 83 84 162 82 80 122 60 62 107 58 49 100 47 53 98 45 53 101 53 48 29 18 11 35 23 12 32 14 18 37 19 18 35 14 21;