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  1. 1.1. Number and proportion of votes cast for the candidates in Presidential election 2006, first round.

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    1. District: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Ä-alue 001 (3143)
    2. Candidate: Total, Tarja Halonen, Sauli Niinistö, Matti Vanhanen, ..., Invalid ballots (10)
    3. Support for candidates: Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, Advance votes, Proportion of advance votes, ..., Proportion of votes cast on the election day (6)

  2. 101 -- 1.1. Number and proportion of votes cast for the candidates in Presidential election 2018, first round.

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    1. District: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Vårdö (2315)
    2. Candidate: Total, Sauli Niinistö, Pekka Haavisto, Laura Huhtasaari, ..., Invalid ballots (10)
    3. Support for candidates: Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, Advance votes, Proportion of advance votes, ..., Proportion of votes cast on the election day (6)

  3. 101 -- 1.1. Number and proportion of votes cast for the candidates in Presidential election 2012, first round.

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    1. District: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Vårdö (2678)
    2. Candidate: Total, Sauli Niinistö, Pekka Haavisto, Paavo Väyrynen, ..., Invalid ballots (10)
    3. Support for candidates: Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, Advance votes, Proportion of advance votes, ..., Proportion of votes cast on the election day (6)

  4. 1.2. Number and proportion of votes cast for the candidates in the second round in Presidential election 2006, first and second round.

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    1. District: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Ä-alue 001 (3149)
    2. Candidate: Total, Tarja Halonen, Sauli Niinistö, (3)
    3. Support for candidates: First round, votes cast, total, First round, proportion of all votes cast, First round, advance votes, First round, proportion of advance votes, ..., Second round, proportion of votes cast on the election day (12)

  5. 102 -- 1.2. Number and proportion of votes cast for the candidates in the second round in Presidential election 2012, first and second round.

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    1. District: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Vårdö (2679)
    2. Candidate: Total, Sauli Niinistö, Pekka Haavisto, (3)
    3. Support for candidates: First round, votes cast, total, First round, proportion of all votes cast, First round, advance votes, First round, proportion of advance votes, ..., Second round, proportion of votes cast on the election day (12)

  6. 2.1. Voting data in Presidential election 2006, first round.

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    1. District: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Ä-alue 001 (3143)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Persons entitled to vote, Finnish citizens living in Finland, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (16)
    3. Sex: Genders total, Males, Females, (3)

  7. 103 -- 2.1. Voting data in Presidential election 2018, first round.

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    1. District: Whole country, Finnish citizens living abroad, Finnish citizens living in Sweden, 01 Helsinki constituency, ..., 05 Finnish citizens living in Sweden (2343)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Persons entitled to vote, Finnish citizens living in Finland, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (16)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  8. 103 -- 2.1. Voting data in Presidential election 2012, first round.

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    1. District: Whole country, Finnish citizens living in Finland, Finnish citizens living abroad, Finnish citizens living in Sweden, ..., 05 Finnish citizens living in Sweden (2726)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (11)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  9. 2.2. Voting data in Presidential election 2006, second round.

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    1. District: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Ä-alue 001 (3149)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Persons entitled to vote, Finnish citizens living in Finland, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (16)
    3. Sex: Genders total, Males, Females, (3)

  10. 104 -- 2.2. Voting data in Presidential election 2012, second round.

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    1. District: Whole country, Finnish citizens living in Finland, Finnish citizens living abroad, Finnish citizens living in Sweden, ..., 05 Finnish citizens living in Sweden (2727)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (11)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  11. 105 -- 3. Number of votes cast for the candidates in the Presidential election 2018, first round, compared to the number of votes cast for the corresponding party in the Parliiamentary elections 2015.

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    1. District: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., 941 Vårdö (325)
    2. Candidate/party: Total, Sauli Niinistö/constituency association B (corresponding party KOK), Pekka Haavisto/VIHR, Laura Huhtasaari/PS, ..., Nils Torvalds/RKP (9)
    3. Support for candidates: Votes cast 2018, Support% 2018, Number of votes cast for the corresponding party 2015, Support for the corresponding party% 2015, Comparison of support% 2018/2015 (5)

  12. 105 -- 3. Kandidaternas röstetal i presidentvalet 2012, första omgången jämfört med väljarstödet för motsvarande partier i riksdagsvalet 2011.

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    1. District: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., 941 Vårdö (352)
    2. Candidate/party: Total, Sauli Niinistö/KOK, Pekka Haavisto/VIHR, Paavo Väyrynen/KESK, ..., Sari Essayah/KD (9)
    3. Support for candidates: Votes cast 2012, Support% 2012, Number of votes cast for the corresponding party 2011, Support for the corresponding party% 2011, Comparison of support% 2012/2011 (5)

  13. 106 -- 4. 1 election round. Discarded ballots by cause and constituency in the Presidential elections 2018

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 053 Rural municipalities (53)
    2. tiedot: Invalid ballots total, More than one ballot or something unappropriate in the envelope, Irrelevant mark on the envelope of ballot, Non-official ballot, ..., Blank ballot (8)

  14. 106 -- 4. 1 election round. Discarded ballots by cause and constituency in the Presidential elections 2012

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 053 Rural municipalities (60)
    2. tiedot: Invalid ballots total, More than one ballot or something unappropriate in the envelope, Irrelevant mark on the envelope of ballot, Non-official ballot, ..., Blank ballot (8)

  15. 107 -- 5. First round. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Presidential elections 2018

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 053 Rural municipalities (53)
    2. Data on elections: Total, Finnish citizens living in Finland Total, Finnish citizens living abroad Total, (3)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Advance polling staion: All advance polling stations, total, Municipal/City Hall, Library in shopping centre, Library not in shopping centre, ..., Institution (20)

  16. 107 -- 5. First round. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Presidential elections 2012

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 053 Rural municipalities (60)
    2. data on elections: Total, Finnish citizens living in Finland Total, Finnish citizens living abroad Total, (3)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Advance polling staion: All advance polling stations, total, Municipal/City Hall, Library, Other municipal agency/institution, ..., Institution (13)

  17. 108 -- 6. First round. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in Presidential elections 2018

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    1. Voting place: Total, Representations, Ships, Europe, ..., New Zealand (98)
    2. Voters: Total, Finnish citizens living in Finland, total, Finnish citizens living abroad, total, (3)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  18. 108 -- 6. First round. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in Presidential elections 2012

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    1. Voting place: Total, Representations, Ships, Europe, ..., Unknown (99)
    2. Voters: Total, Finnish citizens living in Finland, total, Finnish citizens living abroad, total, (3)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  19. 109 -- 7. Second round. Discarded ballots by cause and constituency in the Presidential elections 2012

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 053 Rural municipalities (60)
    2. tiedot: Invalid ballots total, More than one ballot or something unappropriate in the envelope, Irrelevant mark on the envelope of ballot, Non-official ballot, ..., Blank ballot (8)

  20. 110 -- 8. Second round. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Presidential elections 2012

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 053 Rural municipalities (60)
    2. data on elections: Total, Finnish citizens living in Finland Total, Finnish citizens living abroad Total, (3)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Advance polling staion: All advance polling stations, total, Municipal/City Hall, Library, Other municipal agency/institution, ..., Institution (13)

  21. 111 -- 9. Second round. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in Presidential elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 13739 Modified: 12/7/2017

    1. Voting place: Total, Representations, Ships, Europe, ..., Unknown (99)
    2. Voters: Total, Finnish citizens living in Finland, total, Finnish citizens living abroad, total, (3)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  22. 1. Election map data by municipality - Presidential election 2012.

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    1. District: Whole country, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Äänekoski (337)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Change in support for Paavo Arhinmäki/VAS from the previous Parliamentary elections perc. points (26)

  23. 1. Election map data by municipality - Presidential election 2018, first round.

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    1. Municipality: Whole country, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Äänekoski (312)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Voting turnout, change from previous elections, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, ..., Constituency (20)

  24. 2. Election map data by constituency - Presidential election 2012.

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    1. District: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (16)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Change in support for Paavo Arhinmäki/VAS from the previous Parliamentary elections perc. points (26)

  25. 2. Election map data by constituency - Presidential election 2018, first round.

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, VP01 Helsinki constituency, VP02 Uusimaa constituency, VP03 Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., VP13 Lapland constituency (14)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Voting turnout, change from previous elections, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, ..., Change in support for Nils Torvalds/RKP from the previous Parliamentary elections perc. points (19)

  26. 3. Election map data by municipality and constituency - Presidential election 2012.

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    1. District: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, ...Helsinki, Uusimaa constituency, ..., ...Ylitornio (352)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Change in support for Paavo Arhinmäki/VAS from the previous Parliamentary elections perc. points (26)

  27. 3. Election map data by municipality and constituency - Presidential election 2018, first round.

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, VP01 Helsinki constituency, Helsinki, VP02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., Ylitornio (325)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Voting turnout, change from previous elections, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, ..., Change in support for Nils Torvalds/RKP from the previous Parliamentary elections perc. points (19)

  28. 4.1. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2012, Greater Helsinki region.

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    1. District: 091 001A Kruununhaka A, 091 002A Kruununhaka B, 091 003A Kaartinkaupunki, 091 004A Kamppi, ..., 235 003 3. Äänestysalue (291)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Support for Paavo Arhinmäki first round (17)

  29. 4.1. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2018, first round, Greater Helsinki region.

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    1. Voting district: 091 001A Kruununhaka A, 091 002A Kruununhaka B, 091 003A Kaartinkaupunki, 091 004A Kamppi, ..., 235 003 3. Äänestysalue (301)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, Support for Pekka Haavisto, ..., Support for Nils Torvalds (10)

  30. 4.2. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2012, Tampere.

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    1. District: 837 001 Aleksanterin koulu, 837 002 Aleksanterin koulu, 837 003 Aleksanterin koulu, 837 004 Amurin koulu, ..., 837 063 Terälahden koulu (63)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Support for Paavo Arhinmäki first round (17)

  31. 4.2. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2018, first round, Tampere.

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    1. Voting district: 837 001 Tammerkoski, 837 002 Keskusta, 837 003 Kaakinmaa, 837 004 Santalahti, ..., 837 067 Terälahti (67)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, Support for Pekka Haavisto, ..., Support for Nils Torvalds (10)

  32. 4.3. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2018, first round, Oulu.

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    1. Voting district: 564 001 Pokkinen, 564 002 Vanhatulli, 564 003 Vaara, 564 004 Myllytulli, ..., 564 055 Salonpää (55)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, Support for Pekka Haavisto, ..., Support for Nils Torvalds (10)

  33. 4.3. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2012, Turku.

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    1. District: 853 001 Katedralskolan i Åbo, 853 002 Kerttulin koulu, 853 003 Työväenopisto, 853 004 Martin koulu, ..., 853 059 Kristillinen opisto (54)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Support for Paavo Arhinmäki first round (17)

  34. 4.4. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2012, Oulu.

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    1. District: 564 001 Pokkinen, 564 002 Vanhatulli, 564 003 Vaara, 564 004 Myllytulli, ..., 564 041 Ylikiiminki (41)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Support for Paavo Arhinmäki first round (17)

  35. 4.4. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2018, first round, Turku.

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    1. Voting district: 853 001 Kerttulin vanhainkoti, 853 002 Kerttulin koulutalo, 853 003 Turun suomenkielinen työväenopisto, 853 004 Martin koulutalo, ..., 853 059 Kristillinen opisto (49)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, Support for Pekka Haavisto, ..., Support for Nils Torvalds (10)

  36. 4.5. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2018, first round, Jyväskylä.

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    1. Voting district: 179 001 Kirkkopuisto, 179 002 Harju, 179 003 Puistotori, 179 004 Taulumäki, ..., 179 030 Korpilahti (30)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, Support for Pekka Haavisto, ..., Support for Nils Torvalds (10)

  37. 4.5. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2012, Jyväskylä.

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    1. District: 179 001 Kirkkopuisto, 179 002 Harju, 179 003 Puistotori, 179 004 Taulumäki, ..., 179 039 Korpilahden kirkonkylä (39)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Support for Paavo Arhinmäki first round (17)

  38. 4.6. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2012, Lahti.

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    1. District: 398 001 Keski-Lahti, 398 002 Keskusta, 398 003 Kartano, 398 004 Paavola, ..., 398 026 Jalkaranta (26)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Support for Paavo Arhinmäki first round (17)

  39. 4.6. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2018, first round, Lahti.

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    1. Voting district: 398 001 Keski-Lahti, 398 002 Keskusta, 398 003 Kartano, 398 004 Paavola, ..., 398 031 Nastonharju (31)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, Support for Pekka Haavisto, ..., Support for Nils Torvalds (10)

  40. 4.7. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2012, Kuopio.

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    1. District: 297 001 Väinölänniemen Tyvi, 297 002 Maljalahti, 297 004 Keskusta, 297 005 Kuopionlahti, ..., 297 087 Karttula-Syvänniemi (46)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Support for Paavo Arhinmäki first round (17)

  41. 4.7. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2018, first round, Kuopio.

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    1. Voting district: 297 001 Väinölänniemen Tyvi, 297 002 Maljalahti, 297 004 Keskusta, 297 006 Valkeinen, ..., 297 100 Juankoski III (49)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, Support for Pekka Haavisto, ..., Support for Nils Torvalds (10)

  42. 4.8. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2012, Kouvola.

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    1. District: 286 001 Kaupungintalo, 286 002 Urheilupuisto, 286 003 Eskolanmäki, 286 004 Vahtero, ..., 286 023 Jaala (23)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Support for Paavo Arhinmäki first round (17)

  43. 4.8. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2018, first round, Kouvola.

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    1. Voting district: 286 001 Kaupungintalo, 286 002 Urheilupuisto, 286 003 Eskolanmäki, 286 004 Vahtero, ..., 286 023 Jaala (23)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, Support for Pekka Haavisto, ..., Support for Nils Torvalds (10)

  44. 4.9. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2012, Pori.

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    1. District: 609 001 Keskikaupunki, 609 002 Teljä ja Malminpää, 609 003 Itätulli, 609 004 Itäinen Riihiketo, ..., 609 034 Noormarkku (34)
    2. Number: Voting percentage second round, Change in voting turnout from first round, Candidate with most votes second round, Support for Pekka Haavisto second round, ..., Support for Paavo Arhinmäki first round (17)

  45. 4.9. Election map data by voting district in the Presidential election 2018, first round, Pori.

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    1. Voting district: 609 001 Keskikaupunki ja Itätulli, 609 002 Teljä ja Malminpää, 609 003 Läntinen Riihiketo ja Tiilimäki, 609 004 Isosanta ja Pormestarinluoto, ..., 609 031 Lavia (31)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Candidate with most votes, Support for Merja Kyllönen, Support for Pekka Haavisto, ..., Support for Nils Torvalds (10)