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13k6 -- Protection methods and IPR activities in enterprises by industry group and by enterprise size class, 2018-2020

Choose variables

Number of enterprises (no.):
Patent application, share of enterprises (%):
Utility model application, share of enterprises (%):
Registering an industrial design right, share of enterprises (%):
Registering a trademark, share of enterprises (%):
Claiming a copyright, share of enterprises (%):
Protection of trade secrets, share of enterprises (%):
Use of any protection methods, share of enterprises (%):
Licensing out own IPRs, share of enterprises (%):
Selling/assigning own IPRs, share of enterprises (%):
Exchanging IPRs, share of enterprises (%):
Selling/exchanging own IPR, share of enterprises (%):
Acquisition of IPRs, share of enterprises (%):
IPRs from private operators, share of enterprises (%):
IPRs from public operators, share of enterprises (%):
Patent application, number of enterprises (no.):
Utility model application, number of enterprises (no.):
Registering an industrial design right, number of enterprises (no.):
Registering a trademark, number of enterprises (no.):
Claiming a copyright, number of enterprises (no.):
Protection of trade secrets, number of enterprises (no.):
Use of any protection methods, number of enterprises (no.):
Licensing out own IPRs, number of enterprises (no.):
Selling/assigning own IPRs, number of enterprises (no.):
Exchanging IPRs, number of enterprises (no.):
Selling/exchanging own IPR, number of enterprises (no.):
Acquisition of IPRs, number of enterprises (no.):
IPRs from private operators, number of enterprises (no.):
IPRs from public operators, number of enterprises (no.):
Statistics Finland, Innovation
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Number of enterprises (no.) , Patent application, share of enterprises (%) , Utility model application, share of enterprises (%) ,

Selected 1 of total 29


Selected 1 of total 2

Selected 0 of total 3

Optional variable

Selected 0 of total 4

Optional variable

Selected 0 of total 3

Optional variable
Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300,000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 1,000 rows and 30 columns

Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300,000
Documentation of statistics The reference period of the Innovation Survey is three years and innovation activity is defined on the basis of the three years covered by the entire reference period. The year variable in the databases is the last year of the three-year reference period and at the same time, the statistical reference year of the survey.


Patent application, share of enterprises (%)

Patent application during the three-year survey period

Utility model application, share of enterprises (%)

Utility model application during the three-year survey period

Registering an industrial design right, share of enterprises (%)

Registering an industrial design right during the three-year survey period

Registering a trademark, share of enterprises (%)

Registering a trademark during the three-year survey period

Claiming a copyright, share of enterprises (%)

Claiming a copyright during the three-year survey period

Protection of trade secrets, share of enterprises (%)

Protection of trade secrets during the three-year survey period

Use of any protection methods, share of enterprises (%)

Used protection methods during the three-year survey period, variable derived from different protection methods

Licensing out own IPRs, share of enterprises (%)

Licensing out enterprises own intellectual property rights (IPRs) to others during the three-year survey period

Selling/assigning own IPRs, share of enterprises (%)

Selling or assigning its own IPRs to others during the three-year survey period

Exchanging IPRs, share of enterprises (%)

Exchanging IPRs (pooling, cross-licensing, etc.) during the three-year survey period

Selling/exchanging own IPR, share of enterprises (%)

Licensing, selling, assigning or exchanging enterprises own intellectual property rights during the three-year survey period, variable derived from different measures

Acquisition of IPRs, share of enterprises (%)

Purchasing or licensing-in patents or other IPRs during the three-year survey period

IPRs from private operators, share of enterprises (%)

Purchasing or licensing-in patents or other IPRs from private sector business enterprises or individuals during the three-year survey period

IPRs from public operators, share of enterprises (%)

Purchasing or licensing-in patents or other IPRs from public sector business enterprises or individuals during the three-year survey period

Patent application, number of enterprises (no.)

Patent application during the three-year survey period

Utility model application, number of enterprises (no.)

Utility model application during the three-year survey period

Registering an industrial design right, number of enterprises (no.)

Registering an industrial design right during the three-year survey period

Registering a trademark, number of enterprises (no.)

Registering a trademark during the three-year survey period

Claiming a copyright, number of enterprises (no.)

Claiming a copyright during the three-year survey period

Protection of trade secrets, number of enterprises (no.)

Protection of trade secrets during the three-year survey period

Use of any protection methods, number of enterprises (no.)

Used protection methods during the three-year survey period, variable derived from different protection methods

Licensing out own IPRs, number of enterprises (no.)

Licensing out enterprises own intellectual property rights (IPRs) to others during the three-year survey period

Selling/assigning own IPRs, number of enterprises (no.)

Selling or assigning its own IPRs to others during the three-year survey period

Exchanging IPRs, number of enterprises (no.)

Exchanging IPRs (pooling, cross-licensing, etc.) during the three-year survey period

Selling/exchanging own IPR, number of enterprises (no.)

Licensing, selling, assigning or exchanging enterprises own intellectual property rights during the three-year survey period, variable derived from different measures

Acquisition of IPRs, number of enterprises (no.)

Purchasing or licensing-in patents or other IPRs during the three-year survey period

IPRs from private operators, number of enterprises (no.)

Purchasing or licensing-in patents or other IPRs from private sector business enterprises or individuals during the three-year survey period

IPRs from public operators, number of enterprises (no.)

Purchasing or licensing-in patents or other IPRs from public sector business enterprises or individuals during the three-year survey period